
Administration | Member zone

Gourmandize is a website recipe for the USA, edited by well-known in France, 750g. Everyone can add their recipes, share, and publish a free cookbook with Tribu Gourmande.

The website administration enable to validate new recipes, comments and photos, and assign the corresponding points. Administrators tag recipes with keywords to facilitate research on the public website and to add a keywords navigation in the sidebar.

Developed with Symfony 2, it was implemnted with a team using Git with different working environment (dev, preprod and prod). The same code has been set up in other countries:
USA: Gourmandize
England / Ireland: Gourmandize UK & Ireland
Italy: Tribù Golosa
Spain: Rebañando
Brazil: Receitas Sem Fronteiras
Germany: Heim Gourmet

Particulate attention was brought to the cache and optimizing MySQL queries to always respond quickly, searching through the 20,000 or 40,000 recipes each site contains.