RD Press Office
Administration | Member zone
RD Press Office is an independent Press office belongings to the Are + Why company created by Robert Dodd and his two associates who follow him in all of these adventures since 1994. RD Press Office is in charge of press relations for SUPERGA and WOOLRICH. A smooth start to put the foundations to accommodate new budgets. In January 2013, K-WAY joined the press office in this adventure.
The website was conceived and designed in the same vein as http://robertdodd.com/: sober and clear, iPad and mobile compatible, and completely manageable. nyroFwk is used on server-side and jQuery plugin nyroModal on client-side to display press releases, as well as some custom scripts developed for this site.
In addition, it is multilingual and offers a press access protected by login / password for downloading HD images of brands managed by the press office. A small search engine has been set up to easily find the latest information on the site.
Site developed for Com. un nuage.